Thursday, January 20, 2011

Desire Or Satisfaction - Which is ruling us..??

" Can't we live without Onion for some time, ma ?" As usual the innocent Hrithick's question made his mother Kavitha tight lipped. She knew that the naughty boy had raised his doubt when she had been exclaiming and complaining about the sky-rocketed prices of onion with her friend over phone. She had been complaining about the inefficiencies of authorities concerned in curbing onion prices.
However, his question opened her up new vistas of answers. She already knew some people who avoid onion completely in their food and still live on healthily. She also knew the Lord is not such a miser to leave all his own creatures to die starving for food. There is more than enough of "abundance" around us that are created by Lord for us. WE, just, are showing our ignorance by not feeling or finding them!. If we can't afford onion, why don't we take other equally nourished and cheaper things? Why do we all fall on the same thing and create an artificial demand for the perishable thing? If we wait for another two days with our hands crossed, the prices will automatically come down. But, why we are not doing like this?
So the whole drama was created by us, but we complain others for not exercising his authorities which are beyond their control. If we start to look for the other best alternatives that the Lord has provided for us, there will not be any speculations. "Why this subject?" you may think...
It has been found that the parts of brain responsible for "desire" and "satisfaction" are in different areas, with the "desire"part always stronger than that of other. That is why unsatisfaction will result even if we cater to the full needs of desire part. On one hand, such type of unsatisfaction leads to positive result in which we always thrive for new things and find new better things for better life standards. On the other hand, if we leave it unchecked, it will lead us to disaster. Persons who can balance these two feelings will ultimately win the race.


Manish Verma said...

yeah thats sad.... thats y m saying quit onions.... when we can get beers and onions on same rate than y not to stick to beers only....

Mohini Puranik said...

really spiritual one! In case of onions there is something like golmal, market price, price given to farmers...a big cheating i and the common man both are suffering. seems our government has adopted the baby pakistan so they r importing onions from them. Politics ka game and spiritual thinking! Spirituality is the solution on every problem.

Sanjeetha said...

@mag : lol..naughty boys...:)
@mohi: yes are right